Prof. Gennadi Mikhasev


Prof. Gennadi Mikhasev


From 2009 up to 2023, Gennadi Mikhasev had been working as Professor, Head of the Department of Bio- and Nanomechanics at the Belarusian State University (Minsk, Belarus). He has a Master’s degree (1981) in Mechanics, the PhD degree (1984) in Mathematics and Physics from the Leningrad State University, and the Dr.Sc. degree (1998) in Mathematics and Physics from the Saint Petersburg State University. He has been a faculty member of the Vitebsk State University (1985–2001), including three years as Head of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Head of the Department of Theoretical Mechanics at Petersburg State Transport University (Russia, 2001-2002), Vice-rector for scientific work at Vitebsk State University (Belarus, 2002-2009.  He got positions of   Visiting Professor at Gdansk University of Technology (Poland, 2018), and at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Italy, 2019) . Prof. G. Mikhasev is a recipient of many grants, such as grants of the DAAD (Germany, 1995, 1999, 2003), Jadwiga Queen Foundation (2011), the German Research Foundation (2013, 2014), the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (Tubitak, 2022).  He had research visits to Institute of Mechanics of Magdeburg   Otto-von-Guericke (Germany), Rzeszow University of Technology (Poland), Institute of Mathematics and Physics of Aberystwyth University (UK), University of Trento (Italy), Eskisehir University (Turkey). Prof. Mikhasev has trained more than 40 graduate students, 15 master students and 9 PhD students.  

Since Sept. 2023 Gennadi Mikhasev is a Professor at the Harbin Institute of Technology (International Center for Applied Mechanics, School of Astronautics). He has published more than 200 papers in peer-reviewed journal (such as International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, International Journal of Solid and Structures, Journal of Sound and Vibrations, …), 17 chapters in the “Springer” books, 3 books (in “Fizmatlit”,   “Springer”, “CRC Press”), 2 textbooks on Biomechanics, edited 2 books in “Springer “. He is  a reviewer of many international journals (such as International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, International Journal of Mechanics, Journal of Solid and Structures,…) and was  as an organizer and a member of numerous international conferences, workshops and seminars.


The arias of his expertise are Buckling and Vibrations of Thin Laminated Shells Assembled from Smart Materials, Anti-plane Shear Waves in Elastic Bodies with Coating Accounting for the Surface Energy, Localized Vibrations and Waves in Thin Shells, Modelling Nanoscale Structures Based on Nonlocal Theories of Elasticity, Biomechanics, Asymptotic Methods in Mechanics of Solids. He served as scientific leadership by 11 research projects in the field of Solid Mechanics within the framework of numerous State Scientific Programs in the Republic of Belarus and Russia.  Prof. Mikhasev developed new asymptotic method for studying running localized vibrations (wave packets) in thin shells of an arbitrary shape and proposed non-classical theory for studying dynamics of thin laminated smart shells containing magnetorheological/electrorheological elastomers (MRE/ERE), including soft suppression of vibrations and waves in smart beams, plates and shells with MRE/ERE core/layers.


International Center for Applied Mechanics, School of Astronautics

Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT)

Office : Room J1214, HIT –TIB Building, No. 92 West Dazhi Street, Harbin 150001, PR China.
