Prof. Yongtao Yao



Professor Yao got doctor degree in Institute for Materials Research and Innovation, the University of Bolton. From 2011-now, he was a lecturer, associate professor and professor at the Center for Composite Materials and Structures of Harbin Institute of Technology. His field of research mainly focuses on investigation of smart composite materials and their applications. He served as Guest Editor in Pigment and Resin Technology. He has authored or co-authored over 80 scientific papers, 11 issued patents and 2 pending patents.


Research Fields

Shape memory composite

Flexible sensor

Magneto rheological elastomer (EMR)

Mechanical and acoustic metamaterials


Prof. Yongtao Yao
PO Box 3011, No.2 YiKuang Street
Center for Composite Materials and Structures
HIT Science Park, Harbin 150080, PR China.
Tel.: 0086451-86403269